What can I do if I've received a 1 or 2 star Google review?

How to deal with negative reviews on your listing.

If you receive a 1 or 2 star rated Google review, we will send you an email notifying you that these reviews will appear in your Care for Kids and Toddle listings as per our Google review policy.

Authentic parent reviews are an important component of a centre listing on Toddle & Care
for Kids. While not every review is glowing, it is important to maintain a transparent and
authentic view of your service. Parents are more likely to trust centres that are transparent
with the feedback and reviews received. Discover 4 ways to turn negative feedback into a
positive experience here.

If you feel the low rating Google reviews you've received aren't an accurate reflection of
your ECEC service, have distorted the truth, are false, malicious or from a spam reviewer
then please contact Google so these reviews can be removed and in turn they'll be
deleted from your Care for Kids listing.