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How to grow your market share?

A case study of Eden Academy's success in growing their market share with their Care for Kids partnership.


Watch the video with Sean Collins, Co-owner, Eden Academy:

It was father of two and co-owner of Eden Academy, Sean Collins’ personal experiences with his daughter attending childcare, that led him wanting to create an early childhood education and care group that was a home away from home for children. Sean believes that the childcare experience shouldn’t be too far stretched from what children have at home. 

This understanding of the responsibility childcare has to provide for children outside of their homes and set them up for the future, is one of the key philosophies Eden Academy follows everyday and has led them to being one of families’ top preferences when choosing a childcare provider.

Parents get on an Eden Academy waitlist from the moment the promotional banners are installed announcing a new centre is being built; many families know and love the brand. Being able to reach more local parent leads that are beyond Eden Academy’s sphere of influence is what Sean has found to be one of the most valuable benefits of partnering with Care for Kids. “The value Care for Kids has given us at Eden Academy is those families that have been hard to reach”, explains Sean. 

A new Eden Academy service grew from 6% to 38% share of suburb enquiries with their Care for Kids premium subscription. Confirming that reaching more local family leads drives enquiries, leading to tour bookings, waitlist requests and ultimately enrolments. Booking a 10 minute conversation with a member of the Care for Kids team is all it takes to plan the right strategy to increase a service’s occupancy.

“There’s always going to be families who want to look at all the centres in the area and it (Care for Kids) gives us a chance to reach them and get further enquiries”, Sean adds. Although Eden Academy is well known and has high occupancy rates at the majority of its services, the challenge of reaching families beyond its immediate community to grow its market share is one of the reasons that led to the group’s partnership with Care for Kids. 

Recognising the need to tap into a broader audience of prospective, high-intent parents, Eden Academy turned to Care for Kids, the number 1 childcare search platform in Australia. A Care for Kids partner can increase market share by connecting with the 20% of parents who are not yet familiar with a particular childcare service as well as the 20% who are on the fence about their childcare options.

By leveraging Care for Kids' expansive reach and influence, Eden Academy witnessed a substantial increase in enquiries from parents outside their immediate vicinity. The platform provides Eden Academy access to the most comprehensive audience of prospective leads in their local area.

With enquiries taken care of, a Care for Kids partner is able to focus on the most important things about running their service; caring for and educating the children and growing long standing relationships with families. “Knowing that Care for Kids is focusing on our enrolments, it helps us focus on what matters most and that is the care each day at the centre,” says Sean.

The extensive reach offered by Care for Kids allows Eden Academy to connect with parents actively seeking childcare options, even if they’re initially outside the service’s sphere of influence. This strategy significantly contributes to Eden Academy's success in expanding its market share and solidifying its position as a preferred childcare destination. As Sean explains, “Working with Care for Kids has been really easy. Each month I get a report that shows me all the enquiries and gives me a general sense of just how many people have been interested through the platform.”

Care for Kids offers childcare services a powerful avenue to create compelling and informative listings enhanced by high-quality images, videos and content we know parents are seeking, to showcase themselves and stand out from the crowd. 

Used by over 3 million parents every year, Care for Kids is a data driven platform. Dedicated research with parents is what drives the design of the listing pages, resulting in high conversion rates for our partners. We’re proud to offer the most parent leads in Australia to the ECEC sector and connect our partners with a diverse range of families actively seeking quality childcare solutions. 

At Care for Kids we pride ourselves on understanding our partners’ specific needs to drive greater exposure to their brands with value-add campaign partnerships, editorial or content opportunities. We ensure our partners get the most out of their investment to reach whatever goal they may have; whether that’s increasing market share by driving more enquiries from parents who aren’t already aware of a service, promoting a new centre opening or standing out from the competition.

Understanding what our customers need to manage their businesses drives our product development. Our dedicated customer portal focuses on helping our customers accelerate growth, increase occupancy, while providing transparency and relevant information at a moment's notice. The portal will soon enable services to read and respond to parent enquiries directly, ensuring leads are never missed. The enquiry inbox will be an efficient way to manage communications all in one place, enabling services to connect with families and engage them instantly.

“I would recommend Care for Kids for anyone who wants to grow their centre and maintain occupancy,” says Sean. The success of Eden Academy's Care for Kids partnership stands as a testament to our platform’s ability to extend the reach of childcare services and drive sustainable growth in market share. 

If you’d like to have a 10 minute discovery call with one of our dedicated and knowledgeable team members who can suggest a strategy to suit your needs, book a time today

Watch the video with Sean Collins, Co-owner, Eden Academy: