Can I have reviews removed from my listing?

Our Google review and Care for Kids review policy

Authentic parent reviews are an important component of a centre listing on Toddle & Care for Kids. Parent reviews provide real life insights into what life at that centre is like. While not every review is glowing, it is important to maintain a transparent and authentic view of centres.
Parents are more likely to trust centres that are transparent with the feedback and reviews received. Having a perfect review rating suggests things may be too good to be true. Receiving negative reviews or feedback allows for improvements within the service and the opportunity to reply to the reviewer to demonstrate the feedback has been taken onboard.
Google reviews policy

Where relevant, Google reviews are updated (i.e. new reviews are added) weekly on Toddle/Care for Kids listings. Any reviewer or service commentary/replies on reviews are not currently displayed on Toddle/Care for Kids listings.

Any Google reviews displayed on a Toddle/Care for Kids listing follow the below policy:

  • Google reviews should accurately represent the service location in question.

  • Google reviews should not distort the truth, be false, malicious or from a spam reviewer. 

Google reviews will only be removed from a service’s listing if they have been successfully removed in the first place by Google. Please contact us with proof the review has been removed by Google and we will remove it from the relevant listing.

Care For Kids Review Policy

To ensure transparency and authenticity with the Care for Kids reviews displayed on listings, reviews will not be removed unless:

  • they don't accurately represent the service location in question.

  • they distort the truth, are false, malicious or from a spam reviewer.